Monday, May 5, 2008

GVG (God-Vision Goggles)

It's Cinco De Mayo. Here I sit at my computer in Sunny Seattle. Last night, we began something. A church service with a full band that was the start of something new. Something fresh.

Six months ago, I had a dream to start a church. I pictured doing something big and having it start in West Seattle.

Now, I think that God had other plans. My dream had my friend Toby preaching. My dream had a full band. My dream was to have it start in West Seattle.

God seems to have made this come true. Last night, we had a church service in Burien, which is south of West Seattle, and my friends, Jeff and Isaac, and Toby were there.

This is going to be big. The foundation has been laid. Our hearts are open and honestly put before God to see what he is going to do.

The big issues are things of this world. I don't have a job that I love. Jeff has one, but on the other side of Seattle. Isaac doesn't know where his next one is going to be.

It seems as though the resources are coming from the church where Toby is working....which is a huge blessing. We have a sound system, a place to meet for free, and that takes away some of the risk.

But I believe that God is working on us to reach a people that we don't even know yet. It's like I have to trust Him like someone trust's night vision goggles. You can't see anything, but when you hit that switch, all of a sudden, you see things you couldn't before. God gives us GVG's. I can feel it! I believe it! My job is to be faithful...

(disclaimer--I have only used Night Vision Goggles in video games)